'Botched': Jessica loses layers of skin and gains 'butchered' breasts after a failed surgery

Jessica comes to visit Dr Terry Dubrow and Dr Paul Nassif to seek help after three of her surgeries ended in botched results

Dr Paul Nassif and Dr Terry Dubrow have heard many cases over the years, but they were not expecting to hear the type of neglect that Jessica's surgeon made. In the latest episode (September 14), Jessica decided to come to Dr Nassif and Dr Dubrow after three of her surgeries ended in botched results. 

Jessica was a highly confident woman who put efforts to shed a lot of weight. While she managed to make that happen, one thing that kept bothering her was the loose skin on her body. She wanted to get rid of it and after seeing multiple women getting surgeries, Jessica thought it may not be a bad idea. 

This led Jessica to book her first appointment where she did a tummy tuck and both a breast lift and augmentation. Unfortunately, when it was time to see her results, Jessica was not too happy about it. She thought that another surgery might do her justice and she would have the body that she had dreamed of. 

"I wanted bigger breasts, maybe even another tummy tuck," Jessica told doctors Dubrow and Nassif. "I still had, you know, flabby skin." She decided to act on her decision when she heard another friend of hers getting a plastic surgery done in Tijuana. After seeing her results, Jessica was certain that it would prove to be a good move. 

This time, Jessica got another breast augmentation, a second tummy tuck, and liposuction. However, immediately after the surgery, she regretted her decision. Jessica revealed that the surgeon covered her with surgical tape and "no gauze, nothing." Just hearing this Dr. Dubrow knew how bad the surgery would have been. 

He warned how it is unadvisable to use surgical tape directly on the skin as it tends to expand but the tape doesn't. Unfortunately, that mistake was already committed. After a couple of weeks, Jessica called her sister to remove the tape. "It looked like just the skin coming off with the tape," she recalled. 

She decided to call the doctor who put on the blame on her by saying she was never asked to remove the tape. "You know, I don't think I've ever said this in my entire life: I'm speechless," Dr Dubrow stated after hearing this. "Never put tape directly onto a wound. As the skin stretches and becomes swollen, the tape does not expand with it. It will cause a burn-type reaction to the skin," he further explained.

However, this was not the end of her surgery as she got another surgery for her "oval looking breasts," and this time she ended with 'butchered' breasts. Without wasting any time, Dr. Dubrow decided to look into Jessica's case. 

Dr Dubrow was quick to tell that Jessica's surgery would be a complicated one. Seeing how he had to perform surgery for different parts of the body, Dr Dubrow was worried about how it would go. However, seeing how Jessica had faith in him, he decided to go ahead. After performing a surgery that went on for hours, Dr Dubrow was happy with the results. 

When Jessica first got to see the results, she was pleased to see her body in a form that she had hoped for. Jessica confessed that she had her confidence back. 

'Botched' airs on Mondays at 9 pm ET on E!
